Welcome on board the Start Educational Programme
The START Educational Programme is an interactive learning environment that accompanies SME workers on a journey of awareness on the challenges of sustainability and digitisation for the tourism sector. Through a simple and intuitive interface, you can access:

- 10 OERs (Open Educational Resources) in the form of interactive micro training pills and a Metaverse, developed by the partnership, to acquire green and digital skills over time that are fundamental for competitiveness in the tourism sector
- interviews given by partnership representatives and sector experts on the topics of sustainability and digitalisation in the tourism sector
- case studies and good practices related to sustainable and digital transition processes implemented by tourism facilities
- scenarios with narrative branches, contextualised to the operational reality of a hotel and travel agency, allowing learners to test themselves in light-hearted, interactive and engaging simulations
- green tech-infusion toolkit, as a tool to guide workers in the tourism sector in carrying out organisational analyses aimed at rethinking business models in a circular and digital key, in order to innovate the supply of tourism products/services
Educational Programme
For a complete and optimal use of the Educational Programme, we recommend you register on the Erudire e-learning platform
Consult the guide should you need any help!