Come on Board the Start Project
Post-Covid-19 tourism will be very different from the one we knew until then and, as in all revolutions, a scenario of transformations is opening up that will reward those players and destinations that know how to seize opportunities, cooperating in synergy, to prevent the obsolescence of workers’ skills and to map out the operating methods of a sector that must now increasingly offer smart solutions.
Key Objectives
Key Objectives
The 8 partners of the Start Project come from 4 EU Countries that are an expression of VET, the Chamber and Local Development System, Destination Management Organisations and Innovation companies
Who we are and what we can do for you
We can provide content and contributions of a technical, methodological and technological nature and extend the project to a broader geographical/sectoral context
CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. has been operating since 1995 at national and international level, promoting research projects, training plans, with formats in presence, experiential and e-learning, consulting activities for companies and PA, drafting of traditional communication plans and with the use of new media, audiovisual and film productions, realization of VR, AR and MR solutions and games, development of gamification and game-based marketing strategies, with the support of expert staff and a team of trainers, consultants and managers, bearers of successful experiences, as well as a dense network of relationships, with over 250 national, European and international partners.
SVEM – Sviluppo Europa Marche Srl is the development agency of Marche Region in Italy. SVEM contributes to the economic development of the Marche regional territory and supports the activity of the public administration, in close collaboration with the economic and social bodies that operate in the regional territory. SVEM implements projects at local, European and international levels to foster the realization of the objectives defined by the Operating Regional Program (POR) and the needs arisen from the consultations of citizens and regional stakeholders.
GTechnology Foundation created in 2012 is a non-profit Scientific Research Organization as defined in the European Commission Communication 2006/C 323/01 of 30/12/2006. The Foundation’s main missions are to be a coordinator of multidisciplinary research projects placing the social innovation at the heart of technology development. GTechnology contributes to the dissemination of knowledge through seminars, conferences and training activities in order to acquire, share and update knowledge and technological skills. Finally, the Foundation is also an interface between academia, society and economy.
Who we are and what we can do for you
We ensure scientifically sound development of project results, anchoring them in emerging business and change management skills for the management of circular strategies in a digital key
The Chamber of Commerce of Seville promotes business development, entrepreneurship, internationalisation and innovation through several services and activities. The Chamber of Seville works in close cooperation with the Public Administration and it has a wide training programme with different courses addressed to entrepreneurs, professionals, employees and unemployed.
The Chamber of Commerce of Seville is associated at different levels with international, national and local level (Eurochambres, Global Chambers Platform, ASCAME, Spanish High Council of Chambers, Andalusian Council of Chambers, etc.) and has a huge experience managing and implementing international projects, having an important network of partners in Europe and the world.
The University of Alicante (UA) was founded in 1979. Being one of the youngest universities in Spain, the UA is also considered one of the most innovative and fastest developing in Spain. More than 30000 national & 3000 international students are enrolled in 7 Faculties offering more than 39 undergraduate and 78 postgraduate programmes. The UA is considered to be a point of reference for many companies to which it provides technical assistance, student training programmes and continuous programmes and has participated, as partner or coordinator, in a large number of international projects from different funding programmes, such as: TEMPSU, ERASMUS MUNDUS, Erasmus+, H2020, Horizon Europe, DAAD, COSME etc.
The UA is a dynamic university with strong international orientation. It has a wide network and cooperates with universities and other stakeholders from over 90 countries worldwide. UA has implemented a solid system of Innovation Support Measures: Research Promotion and Technology Transfer Office, Innovation Unit, and Institutional Project Management Office, with a department on Intellectual Property (IP) & Knowledge Transfer at the transnational level.
The University Institute of Tourism Research-IUIT at the University of Alicante was created in 2006 and in present has a long trajectory on tourism planning and management. One of the main research topics is Analysis, Planning and Management of Tourism Development. From assumptions of sustainability and competitiveness for local and regional systems, special attention is paid to the relationship between tourism and configuration of destination spaces, integration of tourism in the development model, tourism implementation and resource management, reorganization processes and renovation of tourist areas, strategies and public policies for the development of tourism and design of tourism and leisure products.
Who we are and what we can do for you
We can connect the project to today’s peculiarities of tourism SMEs creating a green and digital transformation process strategically co-designed with them
Our goal is to increase the quality and quantity of the incoming tourism flow in the prefecture of Thessaloniki. Through partnerships, direct actions or as assistants to relevant actions of third parties, we highlight the strategic advantages of Thessaloniki as an important touristic, commercial, economic, cultural, religious and cruise destination in Greece and abroad and promote and advertise the tourism brand of Thessaloniki. Our vision is to make Thessaloniki, the metropolis of Northern Greece, a unique and modern city-break destination, but also a center of tourist traffic in the surrounding area.
TRANSCOOP, Agency for Transnational Training and Development, est. 1994 and based in Thessaloniki/GR, is specialized in project design and management with particular focus on territorial development and development of human resources. Subject of the Agency for Transnational Training and Development is program and project planning and monitoring of their application in the context of EU and national policies, along with the implementation of associated to them activities, as elaboration of studies, planning and carrying out training measures, organization of seminars and events, preparation of publicity actions, development of ICT tools. As a result of its long presence in the European practice, TRANSCOOP has accumulated a sound experience in the implementation of transnational projects, especially in the human resources sector, while having cooperated with a significant number of the major players of the particular sector across the EU.
Who we are and what we can do for you
We have a broad business vision that combine green transition and digital innovation capable of address the real needs of SMEs and workers in the tourism sector
APREDIN works in many different sectors, according to the interests of the associates, always inputting our skills and experience in innovation strategies and European funded projects. Since 2005, APREDIN supports each pillar of the Golden Triangle of Innovation by promoting activities in the areas or RESEARCH, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, and INVESTMENT.
Today, in order to remain competitive in international business circuits, tourism SMEs must focus both on improving and digitising teaching learning models and practices, and on developing environmental awareness and a digital mindset in workers
01. Training programme
For the green and digital upskilling of tourism sector workers
02. Educational tv programme
As a learning environment, where people can access 10 interactive training video pills, also with narrative branching scenarios, to acquire and maintain over time, green and digital skills and solutions for the competitiveness of the tourism sector.
03. Green tech-infusion toolkit
To enable trainers to guide tourism sector workers in: conducting organisational as-is-to be analyses to rethink business models in a circular way; designing digital solutions to innovate the range of sustainable tourism products/services offered
04. 5-day international mobility
during which the trainers will be aligned on green-tech infusion and transformational team coaching techniques and methods.
Tourism Sector Workers Trained
Business Models Rethought
Innovative Solutions for Process Sustainability
Trainers involved in the Open Network
Stakeholders Reached
Want to ride the wave of free training?
⇒ Join the piloting of START training programme
you will have free access to:
- OER – Open Educational Resources as microlearning pills and metaverse solutions
- Circular Tourism Tool to realise an as-is-to be analysis for the circular transformation of their professional action infusing digital and green innovation into business models, processes and practices
- Strumenti operativi to design and implement digital solutions to innovate, in their own organisational contexts, the range of tourism products/services offered in a sustainable way.